Stacey Loscalzo

Articles Written by Stacey

May 10

You Are Not Who You Were

by Stacey

“People get stuck thinking they are one kind of person, but they aren’t. The human body essentially recreates itself every six months. Nearly every cell of hair and skin and bone dies and another is directed to it’s former place. You are not who you were in February.” -Donald Miller* (A Million Miles in a […]

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May 08

Daring Greatly: A Virtual Book Club

by Stacey

I have a to-do list a mile long. There are many items that have been on it forever. One such item is to host a ‘Virtual Book Club’ here. It seemed like a good idea but I have been procrastinating, procrastinating, procrastinating. One thing I know about myself is that if I work with someone […]

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May 07

In My Town

by Stacey

Some people dream of winning the lottery and moving to a small island. Others want to achieve fame and world-wide recognition. My dreams are simpler but easier to achieve. During this crazy season that is spring, I feel like I am living a life that is in direct conflict to many things that I hold […]

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May 06

Dear Disney, Stop the Nonsense

by Stacey

Last summer, I gladly took Katherine to see the latest Disney movie, Brave. Finally, there was a depiction of a strong and imperfect girl on the big screen. We loved the movie because it was fun and I loved it even more because it sent an important message to my little girl. When we went […]

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May 03

Love After Love

by Stacey

  For years, I listened to the Oprah channel on XM Radio. Around the time that Oprah’s television show went off the air, the radio channel suffered and I stopped listening. Earlier this week, I stumbled on the station again and Oprah was interviewing John Kabat-Zinn whose work I love. I stopped to listen for […]

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May 02

Why We Write

by Stacey

This morning I was feeling uninspired so I leafed through my journal to find some tidbit of something. As I flipped through pages, I found this. “While out walking Daisy, Katherine looked up and saw a lot of birds. She said, “It looks like they are dancing to their music.” Now, I had absolutely no […]

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May 01


by Stacey

I have worn these bracelets for as long as I can remember. While I don’t know when I first started wearing them,  there is a charm on one dated 12-25-84. I would have been eleven then. Barely a year older than Caroline is now. How is it that these pieces, that feel so grown up to […]

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Apr 29

Poverty: Long but Please Read

by Stacey

Image Source: Guilt is a powerful emotion. Because of it, I spent Saturday night navigating the world of a 13-year-old girl living in poverty. My mother in law and a good friend of ours organized an event based on Missouri’s Community Action Poverty Simulation. I didn’t RSVP until days before the event. Let’s face it. […]

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Apr 26

Where There is Darkness, Light

by Stacey

This week, I was given the chance to pull together a playlist for my ‘birthday spin class.’ Our spin instructor encourages us to do this each year but it is the first time I took advantage of her offer. Not being too much in to music, I felt intimidated by choosing fun songs that would […]

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Apr 24

What Is On Your Nightstand?

by Stacey

In Susannah Conway’s amazing class, Blogging from the Heart, she suggests many fun prompts. I am using one of them today… ‘What is on your nightstand’ is so much more than just a list of what is on your nightstand. After I took this picture, I realized there is a good reason why Susannah included […]

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