Stacey Loscalzo

Apr 24

What Is On Your Nightstand?

by Stacey

In Susannah Conway’s amazing class, Blogging from the Heart, she suggests many fun prompts.

I am using one of them today…

‘What is on your nightstand’ is so much more than just a list of what is on your nightstand. After I took this picture, I realized there is a good reason why Susannah included this as a prompt. What is on your nightstand is truly a snap shot in to your life at that moment.

Here is what I saw when I looked closely at mine:

A notebook. I am trying to remember my dreams so I have a notebook ready and waiting to accept any fleeting memories when I awake. Notice it is blank. Oh well, worth the try.

My Kindle. I just finished and really enjoyed A Good House by Anne Leary and have moved on to The Dinner by Herman Koch.

Daring Greatly. This is Brene Brown’s latest. I have often read of her work but this will be my first book of hers. After reading her parenting manifesto that is included in Daring Greatly, I knew it was a must read. I am sure I will have more to say on this soon…

A pile of tween reads. Middle grade novels are often my favorite and I hadn’t read any in awhile so I stocked up. Included in my pile are some titles that are getting a lot of buzz. The Center of Everything, Hold Fast and Rump.

A book to re-read. I never ever re-read and I am starting to wonder if I am missing out. My memory is not the greatest so quite frankly, while I remember adoring The History of Love, I don’t exactly recall what it was about. Perhaps I would love it all over again.

A decorative candle and jar. I have learned that when you put your house on the market you fall in love with a certain store called Home Goods. Many trips later, my home was beautifully decorated just in time to sell it to someone else.

Saline nose spray. In order to enjoy the beauty of the flowering trees, this has become my fast friend.

Anyone want to share what is on their nightstand? Now I’m quite curious…


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