Stacey Loscalzo

Articles Written by Stacey

May 08

How Many Jellybeans?

by Stacey

If you are looking for a different and super fun book, I’ve found it for you. I read about How Many Jellybeans a few weeks ago and ordered it right away. For some reason, it then sat on top of our piano until this morning when the girls needed a distraction. Caroline began NJ ASK […]

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May 07

Why Not?

by Stacey

The girls were fascinated by the Kentucky Derby this weekend. Fascinated, at least, by the horse’s names as we marveled at just how many different types of names there were. The girls liked Bodemeister, named after Bob Baffert’s son. I preferred Daddy Long Legs and Rob cheered for Gemologist. When I’ll Have Another burst in […]

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May 04

Peer Pressure

by Stacey

Sometimes peer pressure can be a good thing. I have been encouraging Caroline for months to read new books and she has been fully in a re-reading mode that just won’t stop. I have bought and borrowed more books that I think she will love, with no success. About a month ago, for the blink […]

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May 02

Scrabble Snack

by Stacey

I am pretty strict as far as what I buy for snacks. Or as Caroline would say, I’m pretty “weird.” While Cheez-Its are certainly delicious they are not in our regular rotation. Yesterday though, we were visiting with a friend who had this yummy cheesy (or cheezy) snack and Caroline was hooked. I must have […]

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May 01

Around the World

by Stacey

My father in law accomplished something incredible last week. He ran around the world. Google states that the distance around the world is 24,901 miles around the Equator. If you consider that there are many, many marathoners and extreme runners out there, you might realize that lots of people have probably, in fact, run around […]

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Apr 30

Teachers Pay Teachers

by Stacey

I love it when I can share new resources… Now this might not be new for everyone but if it’s new for you, you’ll be doing a happy dance by the end of this post. Teachers Pay Teachers. There are a gazillion teachers out there who have more than 24 hours in their days. These […]

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Apr 26


by Stacey

So yesterday, I relied on funny words to fill this space during a week with little time for writing. Today I will rely on a simply wonderful image..

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Apr 25

A Reason to Smile

by Stacey

I keep promising myself that my next week will be calmer, less scheduled than the current one… Somehow that is not happening. I am finding myself running around without a minute to sit and write and read this week so here is a little something short and sweet. I know I need a reason to […]

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Apr 24

It’s Happening

by Stacey

I tell parents that there are two ways kids learn to read. One is all at once and the other is slowly and steadily. Katherine has taken slow and steady to new lengths. The child has been ‘reading’ now for close to two years. She began reading simple three letter words when she was barely […]

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Apr 23


by Stacey

Frequent readers may have noticed that one of my main characters has been a bit absent at the blog. Caroline, in her tween-ness, has asked me often to not include her in my writing. Pictures, stories and funny comments have all been deemed “too embarrassing” or “really weird.” I have respected her privacy but also […]

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