Stacey Loscalzo

Articles Written by Stacey

May 28


by Stacey

2013 Sometimes doing the same thing all the time can seem boring. But sometimes it seems really important. This weekend, the girls ran in the annual Ridgewood Memorial Day Run; Caroline running the 5K and Katherine the Fun Run. The girls and Rob (and sometimes I) have run the race since we moved here. Rob […]

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May 22

Virtual Book Club: Daring Greatly

by Stacey

The Virtual Book Club is here!! Welcome to our first meeting. I have been reading about Brene Brown for years. And then this spring, wherever I turned I read about her latest book, Daring Greatly. When I saw the book at my friend Maren‘s house I had an idea. I have been wanting to host […]

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May 21


by Stacey

The other night we were at our elementary school’s auction. Rob ran into a friend who he knows to be very knowledgable about electronics. Rob began peppering him with questions and as I prepared to join a more interesting conversation, I heard our friend exclaim, “What!?” You see, Rob had just told him, in response […]

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May 20

Happiness Project Quiz

by Stacey

I am fascinated with Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project and all the wonderful-ness that has come from that project. What I find most fascinating about her is not her work, her writing or her message. What I find truly amazing is her ability to pick a topic, a passion and turn it into […]

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May 17

What I Choose

by Stacey

“Not a day goes by that I don’t still need to remind myself that my life is not just what’s handed to me, nor is it my list of obligations, my accomplishments or failures, or what my family is up to, but rather it is what I choose, day in and day out, to make […]

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May 16

Family Reading

by Stacey

A few months ago I made a big reading confession. I had stopped reading aloud to Caroline because we struggled to find read aloud books that both girls liked. And then we were finally saved by The Penderwicks, the most amazing middle grade series I have read in a long, long time. The other night, […]

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May 15

Virtual Book Club Update

by Stacey

I am so glad that we finally announced the virtual book club last week. Since we did, I have heard from friends, both ‘real’ and ‘on-line’, who are looking forward to participating. We also heard a lot of  questions. How often, how long, how? I realized that in my excitement to get the post out […]

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May 14


by Stacey

I have been participating in Ali Edwards‘ 31 Things project and am just loving the photo and writing prompts. Today’s prompt? Chores. I thought of two things right away. Our counters and our kitchen floors. Both old and white and nearly impossible to keep clean. The counters became worse when we got my favorite appliance, […]

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May 13


by Stacey

I found a great list of firsts at the site Art Journalist. And then I just started goggling ‘list of firsts’ and found all sorts of fun things. I highly recommend this activity. It certainly pointed out early signs of aging (seeing as there are many first I just don’t remember!) but it will also […]

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