Stacey Loscalzo

Archive for 2019

Oct 09

A Rebel’s Thoughts For Wednesday

by Stacey

One of my favorite people to follow on Instagram is Hitha Palepu. She is a mom, an investor and a super smart person to follow. Her #5smartreads are part of my must-reads every day. All that said, she wrote something super simple in response to a question on her IG stories the other day that […]

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Sep 19

Thoughts for Thursday: September 19

by Stacey

“What is my purpose in life?” I asked the void.  “What if I told you that you fulfilled it when you took an extra hour to talk to that kid about his life?” said the voice.  “Or when you paid for that young couple in the restaurant? Or when you saved that dog in traffic? […]

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Sep 05

Thoughts for Thursday

by Stacey

Like so many of you, September is my new year. Although I am no longer a student or an educator (officially at least!), I still feel like the new year begins in September. The girl’s first full day of school was yesterday and I am ready to have a schedule and do my best to […]

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Aug 20

An App Can’t Fix the Childhood Obesity Crisis

by Stacey

I had heard rumblings about a new Weight Watchers app for kids but hadn’t understood the specifics until last night when my sister in law sent me an Instagram post to read. And now I am mad.  I know we have an obesity problem in America. I get that. And I am not blaming Weight […]

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Jul 08

Happy 16th Birthday Caroline!

by Stacey

As I sit and write this post, you have just landed at JFK after celebrating a friend’s own sweet 16. You were gone for 5 days in a foreign country and as you know, I missed you an awful lot. You had traveled without me before. To overnight camps and on school trips. You’ve flown […]

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Apr 10

Happy 13th Birthday Katherine!

by Stacey

Dear Katherine, It’s the day before your birthday as I sit and write this letter. Earlier today I went to Party City to get balloons as we will celebrate your birthday at breakfast tomorrow. This early celebration will happen because you will be at dance rehearsal until long past dinner on the day you turn […]

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Apr 03

Books of Winter 2019

by Stacey

I am going to force myself to believe that winter is behind us. The sun is shining, I have a window open and I am not shivering- for now at least. So… that means it is time for a winter book summary. Here goes… This is probably a funny book to start the year off […]

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