Stacey Loscalzo

May 02

On Writing

by Stacey


I learned a lot last week. I learned that there is a lot of heartache in this world. I learned that people are kind and generous and loving almost all of the time. I learned that community trumps all else. And I learned that writing is what gets me through. I’ve had a bumpy few months of blogging. I’ve been swallowed up with volunteering, parenting and the launch my Rodan + Fields business. All these things have felt big and all consuming and I have let my writing slide. My writing always has seasons in which I will write more and then less but these past few months, I have written less than I have in a long time.

Last week though I realized that I process and think and work through writing. I hate that it is often the yucky stuff that makes me understand more about life but that certainly seems to be the way it is. And I know that the message won’t necessarily stay with me but for now, I hope to remember that I am a person that needs to write. I work better, think better, live better when I am writing.


“Writing is thinking on paper.”

Thanks for the reminder, William Zissner.


  1. Melinda Sohval says:

    Yes! Please keep writing..for me the clarity comes with reading…

  2. We all cycle through seasons where we write less, Stacey. Looking forward to your words whenever you are ready to write them. xo 

  3. Nina says:

    Beautifully expressed. 

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