Stacey Loscalzo

Nov 12

What I’m…

by Stacey

I am having a pretty serious case of blogger’s block these days. I am way overthinking what I should write here. Should I write personal essays? Or book recommendations? Children, young adults or adult? Should I write opinion pieces? Should I feature photographs? My questions go on and on and then the day comes to an end and I have written nothing.

So for today, I thought I would go with something simple. A ‘What I’m Into’ post. I haven’t written one in ages so here goes.

What I’m…



The Affair: I think that The Affair may well be my favorite television show right now. The story is so compelling and the multiple perspectives in fascinating. And to make it all the more fun, we have eaten many meals at Lunch, the restaurant where it all began.

Listening to

Podcasts, podcasts, podcasts. I wrote about this new fascination over the summer and I am still hooked. NPR’s Popculture Happy Hour, The Podcast, Book Riot, All the Books, Get Booked, Read Aloud Revival and Books on the Night Stand are my must listens.


bird box

Who knew I liked horror? I could not put down Bird Box by Josh Malarian. I’m reviewing this at Great New Books in a few weeks so I won’t say any more now but let’s just say it was great. And that I now run up the stairs like I did when I was a child if I am the last one going upstairs for the night. You just never know what might be behind you, you know.


We have been having crazy weather here. It has been wonderfully, unseasonably warm. I have been pretty much wearing my fall uniform of jeans, long sleeve tees, cardigans and my favorite leopard flats. Every single day.


A few weeks ago, I had had enough of craving carbs and sugar constantly. I have cut significantly (like almost entirely) back on white flour, dairy and sugar. I am feeling much, much better and will soon be adding these things back in one at a time to see if I can enjoy them in small quantities. Fingers crossed because I truly love ice cream. Like, it’s my favorite food.



The fall colors have been amazing here. I can’t get enough of the leaves against the bright blue sky.



  1. Kristen says:

    I just caught an episode of The Affair while waiting for trick or treaters and I was captured right away. But! It was from Season Two so I need to go back and start from Season One so that I can get the full story. I am not normally hooked so easily! I love your personal essays and book recs (esp for children) so if you keep writing those, I will definitely still read your words. 🙂

    • Stacey says:

      Thank you Kristen! And that is the only downside of The Affair- you definitely need to watch from the beginning. Only beginning of season 2 though so it won’t take you too long!

  2. I love these memes, Stacey. I am also hooked on The Affair. I watched the first season earlier this year and am compelled to keep tuning in because of the characters and story. Just so you know, I will keep reading whether you decided to write essays or posts centering on book recs! 

  3. Leah says:

    Wow, that is too funny we have the same post categories! Great minds! I typically also include the Watching and Eating categorizes too, but left them out this time around. I’m also watching “The Affair,” which I’m liking even more with the new perspectives.

  4. Jen Robinson says:

    I used to call these periods of blogging indecision Blog Focus Angst. I’m going through a bit of one myself right now, too. All I can say is: focus on the parts that most charge you up, and don’t worry too much about what anyone else wants to see. Your enthusiasm will carry you through. 

    Coincidentally, I am also in the process of cutting way back on carbs/starches. I didn’t feel very well for the first couple of weeks, but I think my body is getting used to it now. 

    • Stacey says:

      Hi Jen! So glad to see you here. I like the term Blog Focus Angst! I’m surprised you feel it though. Your blog seems so focused! And yes to the carb/starches. I keep thinking the cravings have passed and then something happens like my husband has the nerve to eat cheese and crackers (which he did tonight- how dare he!?) and I think I am going to have a fit!

  5. Dana says:

    Stacey, I hear you on blog identity crisis! Sometimes I wonder, what kind of post should I be writing? But in the end, it’s your blog, and your choice. Personally, I like all your ideas, and enjoyed reading posts like this. 

    I’ve not watched The Affair, but heard good things. Personally, I’m looking forward to Broadchurch beginning again, if it returns. Right now I watch The Walking Dead with my husband and it’s pretty disgusting, as you can imagine. Yet I still continue…

    That book looks very scary! I can’t wait for your review. I just read Bonnie Jo Campbell’s stories, Mothers Tell Your Daughters, which is scary in an entirely different way. Loved it. 

    I’m a podcast maniac!! I love Between the Covers, Writers on Writing, and Lit up, also, NYPL author interviews are great.

    I love your current outfit of choice, perhaps because mine is so similar 🙂 I’ll be sad when I have to wear socks and boots.

    • Stacey says:

      Hi Dana! I remember reading Susannah Conway’s description of her blog as being ‘a magazine of me’ and thinking that was just perfect. I try to hold on to that when I get confused but it clearly doesn’t always help!

      I haven’t even heard of Broadchurch. I will be off to check that out now!

      And I can’t wait to read Mothers Tell Your Daughters. I keep hearing fantastic things from readers that I trust like you.

      And thank you for new podcast recs. I love NYPL but the others are new to me.

      And it’s a boots and socks kind of day here and I’m sad!

  6. Allie says:

    I’ve been struggling to. I threw up a similar for yesterday – about books and movies, just can’t come up with anything:(.

    • Stacey says:

      You know what is also bothering me is that I keep hearing people say that ‘blogging’ is dead and while I don’t believe it, I still feel it when I sit down to write…

  7. Nina says:

    I love The Affair too! Such good and interesting story telling. I also love — um– sugar. 🙁

    • Stacey says:

      Oh my goodness Nina! So funny that you just posted this today. I ate some sugar yesterday and boy is it good! Absence made the heart grow fonder!

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