Stacey Loscalzo

Jun 24

Judy Blume

by Stacey

judyTales of a Fourth Grade Nothing was the first book that made me laugh out loud.

Are You There God It’s Me Margaret was the first book that I closed if anyone was reading over my shoulder.

Fudge is one of the first books that I remember loving as a child myself and as a mother reading aloud to the girls.

The Pain and the Great One is one of the first chapter books that Caroline read to herself.

And I could go on.

And last night, I was lucky enough to be in the same room as Judy Blume. The crowd was so big that I did not stay for the signing so I did not get the chance to meet her but I felt like I did. She is as great a speaker as she is an author. As she stood in front of a huge crowd, I felt like we were sharing a cup of coffee.

She started her presentation by saying, “You know, I’m a Jersey girl.” and then launching in to many fascinating stories behind her current book, In the Unlikely Event, which I have not yet had the chance to read. I feel like I will have much more to write after I’ve read so I won’t write too much more for now except for one super inspiring tidbit.

When asked the generic but inevitable question, “What advice would you give young writers?”, Judy Blume said the following:

“First, read, read, read and read.”

And then know that,

“Determination is as important as talent. Cry  in the closet if you need to and then say, ‘Look what I am doing now.'”

Pretty good advice for us all I would say.


  1. Lindsey says:

    A highlight of my entire LIFE is when Judy responded to a photo I tweeted of Grace reading Are You There God … she seems so incredibly generous and warm. I love this glimpse of your experience with her in person! I can’t wait to read her new novel. xox

  2. I love Judy Blume. What a treat to hear her speak! I look forward to your review of her latest work. 

  3. Nina says:

    So amazing!!

  4. Pamela says:

    Wish I could have been there. I used to write her letters when ideas 10 asking for more Fudge books. I am reading her latest now. It’s so fun. What a treasure she is.

  5. Allie says:

    That is so cool Stacey! I would love to have that opportunity. Being on the road during this summer, I’ve missed so many of my favorite authors who are on tour. As for Ms Blume – I’ll always remember the contraband copy of Forever that was passed among all my friends.

  6. Melissa says:

    I am super, duper, insanely jealous that you were in the same room as Judy. i adore that woman. I loved her books as a kid and love them now as an adult. Have you read Summer Sisters? God I still read that every summer.

    • Stacey says:

      It was such a cool experience. Strangely, I haven’t read any of her adult books but plan to this summer!

  7. I love when author events turn out just how you’d hoped! What an icon, indeed! So glad you had the chance to hear her speak and to soak her up in person. 

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