Stacey Loscalzo

Apr 15

Twitterature: April Edition

by Stacey

It’s Twitterature time! Somehow this lovely link up at Modern Mrs. Darcy is upon us again. I can always tell how busy my months are by the number of books I have to write about when Twitterature roles around. Only two again this month. Hopefully there will be a few more books by the time the May edition of Twitterature is here. 18166936The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton

I am still trying to decide if I loved or was really just confused by this book. I may be writing a review of this for Great New Books (depending on where I fall on the answer to the above question) so I’m not going to say anything else now…

10032672The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

This book is just as lovely as I had expected it to be. I had heard from a number of people how much I would enjoy this one and they were right. The Language of Flowers is the best kind of ‘chic lit’- a well written, fast paced compelling story about a girl, her troubled childhood and the language of flowers that helps her to overcome it all.



  1. Ack – I really need to write my post tonight, I actually have books to report!  I ended up loving the Language of Flowers but it really took me a long time to get into it… I actually put the book down for several months in the middle.  I think I’m in the minority there, though.

  2. Callie Moon says:

    I have The Language of Flowers on my bedside table ready to read.  Your review made me so excited to pick it up and start!

  3. Anna Wastell says:

    I’m adding these both to my list. Thanks for sharing!  And the cover of “Strange & Beautiful…” is just gorgeous.

  4. I look forward to hearing what you decide about the first one – the cover art is gorgeous so the “judging a book by its cover” part of me is deeply intrigued! May have to look into the second as well.

  5. Alison says:

    I’ve read the Language of Flowers, and am always fascinated to hear what others think of it! I love the cover art of the first book you read–I would just want to display it in my home!:)

  6. MK says:

    Hmm…your mixed review of the first book is a pity: it’s such a pretty cover!  But since I’ve been slogging through some heavy non-fiction in the last week, The Language of Flowers sounds like a great title to add to my TBR list.  Thanks for the recommendation!

  7. Stacey Lynn says:

    I *loved* The Language of Flowers. It’s been a long time since I read it…maybe I need to read this one again!

  8. Between your review of The Language of Flowers and all the comments here I think I better read it! And the cover on the first book-gorgeous! I’ll be curious to hear your final verdict. 

  9. Nina says:

    LOVED Language of Flowers. So glad it didn’t disappoint. Sometimes with this level of hype it can be hard to measure up.

  10. Heidi says:

    I loved The Language of Flowers! So glad to hear you liked it, too!

  11. Allie says:

    I need to get my friend LynnAnn over to your site – she ‘s the one who gave me Tell the Wolves I’m home (which I’ve started, finally!). The Language of Flowers is one of her favorites and she’s been urging me to read it, as well. SO many books, so little time:(.

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