Stacey Loscalzo

Apr 08

First Glasses

by Stacey

IMG_4762Apparently my eyes are rule followers. I’ve always heard that if you’ve been blessed with good eye sight, things can change quickly when the calendar turns to your 40th year. I will turn 41 in a few weeks and today I picked up my first pair of reading glasses. I went to the eye doctor last week for a check up after having to return a library book because the print was too small. When the doctor put a slight prescription in front of me, I was amazed at how crisp and clear the words looked. Apparently, the deterioration in my eye sight had been so slow and so slight, that I hadn’t really realized what I had been missing.

Given how sensitive I can be, I suppose I am not surprised, but it is taking me some time to get used to my new accessory. I find some things look crisper and then if I look at just the wrong angle, things are even blurrier than before. I even think there is a chance the glasses may be making me feel ‘car sick’ when I use them on the computer. Or maybe that slightly nauseous feeling is just the stunning realization that I am, in fact, getting older.



  1. Tamara says:

    For me, it was 30. I still only need them for night driving but I know it will change. I just know it!

  2. Donna says:

    Love that nauseous reference at the end! But take it from a long-time glasses girl – they can make you feel that way when you’re adjusting to them. It still happens to me almost every time I get a new pair. If it continues beyond a week or two, circle back with your DR to make sure the prescription is right. And lucky you — entering this stage of life when glasses are so cool that kids who don’t need them wear them as a fashion accessory!

    • Stacey says:

      Thank you so much for your input Donna! I really was beginning to think the prescription might be wrong. It’s good to know that there is an adjustment period- I will be a bit more patient. And you are so right about the fashion of it all- ever since I got them, Katherine has been begging me to get glasses!

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