Stacey Loscalzo

Feb 03

Goodbye Again

by Stacey

IMG_0376.JPGSomehow this baby is now ten and this Grandad has been gone for 7 years. Each year Groundhog’s Day comes and I add another tick to the calendar. Seven years now without Dad. It feels both so long ago and then like yesterday. When I think about the things that he has missed it feels like an eternity. What he would have given to watch the girls run down a soccer field or shoot a basketball. He probably would even brought himself to enjoy a dance recital or a class play now and again.

When I was thinking about what to write today, I remembered the list that Rob created to read at Dad’s funeral. We still refer to this list often and laugh really hard when we do. My dad was one lovable and quirky guy.

So with credit to Rob here it is…

Things I learned from Arthur

  1. Politics: Have a problem with the direction our county is heading?  Well, after numerous letters to the editor and phone calls to the White House, try making a bumper sticker. People will love it: “We Need Leaders”
  2. Golf: When you’re watching the US Open finals tomorrow, remember the tournament is not over after the final shot and the player hugs his wife and family. Sometimes the player forgets to sign his scorecard and is disqualified!
  3. Sports on Television: Why bother listening to the experts giving their commentary?  I recommend stealing the clicker from your host and hitting the mute button. You can share much more insightful comments than the broadcasters with out all of the background noise.
  4. Travel:  Why bother taking a flight from Texas to the east coast?  A leisurely drive over the course of week is much more relaxing. In addition, feel free to ask around for the best onion rings in the state you’re traveling through. It is often worth going a few hours out of your way for good onion rings.
  5. Airplanes:  Airlines are never on time. Don’t pay attention to those statistics that claim 95% on time arrivals.  If you’re flying, it’s a guarantee there will be significant delays, probably weather related, even if the forecast is calling for sunny blue skies.  So, don’t forget to plan accordingly.
  6. Don’t feel like doing the dishes one night?  After your host is just about done and has 2 dishes left, ask from the other room “need help with the dishes?”  It works like a charm.
  7. Have a dirty car?  Don’t bother cleaning it yourself or traveling to a car wash. Find out what night the local minor league baseball team is having the “dirtiest car in the parking lot” contest. You’ll be a sure bet to win a free car wash.
  8. Don’t ever pay for a ticket to a minor league baseball game. Instead, get a job selling programs for the summer. You’ll have free admission every night!


  1. Allie says:

    Very sweet Stacy. Sounds like a cool man! I’ve buried both my parents and it doesn’t matter how much times passes, you will always miss them.

  2. Shana Norris says:

    Stacey, your dad sounds like a character.  That’s a beautiful picture.  I really treasure the baby-grandparent photos I have.  I know the kids will enjoy looking back at them someday in the same way I love to look back at photos of my grandma holding me as a baby.

    • Stacey says:

      He really was a character! And I really don’t have enough pictures of the girls with my dad. Each year I look through and hope that I will find more. 

  3. Tamara says:

    #4 and #6 are my favorite, tried and true, actually.
    He sounds like an amazing guy. My father passed on July 2nd, and even after all these years, I still reflect on it. I imagine I always will.
    Gorgeous photo too.

    • Stacey says:

      #6 is our favorite too! We often pretend to ask each other if we can help with the dishes at the very last minute!

  4. Those are some great pieces of advice!  I’m so sorry your dad isn’t able to see your kids grow up.  That has to be so hard — but at least he got to meet them and get that awesome picture!

    • Stacey says:

      So true Sarah. My youngest was 10 months when Dad died so she doesn’t remember him but at least there are pictures. 

  5. pamela says:

    I’m sorry Stacey. This must be so difficult. I don’t think we ever know what this is like until it happens to us, but these “rules” helped me to understand. This is really beautiful.

  6. sara says:

    i know i’ve told you this before, but i still have the copy of “don’t sweat the small stuff” that he gave the entire wedding party at your wedding all those years ago. each time i see it on the shelf i think of him (and you.) what a wonderful man he was!

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