Stacey Loscalzo

Dec 03


by Stacey


A ten year old boy in our community lost his four year  long battle with cancer last week. I didn’t know him personally but his death has really been felt by all the parents and children here. While I feel incredibly sad, the loss of Michael has also made me so incredibly grateful for each hug I have received from the girls over the past few days. Everything seems a bit more important. I want to pay more attention. I want to slow down. I want to be here. I wish it didn’t take the big stuff to remind us of the little stuff but for whatever reason, it does.

I found this quote earlier today that seems to say what I have been thinking lately.

“There are two ways to live your life- one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.”

– Albert Einstein

From everything I have read about Michael, it seems he would believe that everything is a miracle. I think I’ll go with that too…



  1. Melinda Sohval says:

    I have the exact sentiments about Michael..thank you for expressing my thoughts in such an articulate and heartfelt way.

  2. Kim says:

    Oh my, such a terrible loss. Prayers, love and light to the family.

    That is one of my favourite quotes.

  3. Shana Norris says:

    I know the feeling this made you have, Stacey.  Losses like this can be heartbreaking, even when you don’t know the person well.  It does make you want to hold everyone around you all the more tightly.

  4. Tracie West says:

    what a beautiful post you have today. I love the quote you use by Albert Einstein. I may use it too if you don’t mind. I was just talking to my mom on the phone last night about a three year old we know battling cancer and how his family will have been at the hospital with him for half this year. And how in the midst of their hardship they are lights in our community, a testimony of sorts. I will begin to feel bad or guilty at times, why them? and why is our life so full of health and normality? But you said it best here when you are grateful for each hug, paying attention, slowing down. And the quote….so perfect because I believe with my whole heart that there are several miracles in our every day moments, they surround us yet some people may not even notice. So thank you for your post today and sorry about the loss of a beautiful soul in your community. It seems he touched so many lives.

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