Stacey Loscalzo

Aug 07


by Stacey


When I read the prompt ‘skyline’, I was a bit stumped. And then I remembered that you can actually see the NYC skyline from a neighborhood in our town. The view is not in an area that I go to very often. In fact, I am quite sure I haven’t driven down this particular street since shortly after we moved here six years ago. When I drove up the hill I couldn’t help but wonder why I had let such a long time pass. Even on this hazy day, it was pretty great to see the city from this way…

#augustbreak2013 Day 7 Prompt: Skyline

The August Break 2013


  1. Shana Norris says:

    *LOVE*  So envious that you’re so close to NYC!

  2. Elaine says:

    Funny, when I lived there this was part of my regular route into town – all four seasons, day and night! Drove my kids nuts that I always went that way! LOVE this view.

  3. Caroline says:

    One of Willa’s and my favorite walks. We were just there this morning! A great spot to view the fireworks on July 4th (with hundreds of other people, of course).

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