Stacey Loscalzo

Aug 01

Breakfast Bowls

by Stacey

IMG_2674Today marks the first day of the blogging community’s August Break. I have never played along before but I’m going to give it a try this year.

During the August Break, anything goes. Regular old blog posts, pictures, words. Anything. You chose to follow prompts or not. I suspect I will do a little bit of everything but for the first day, I’m going with the prompt.


I have always made fun of Rob for eating the same breakfast every day. Cereal, a banana, orange juice, water and coffee. If any one of the pieces is missing, my really happy husband can get a bit grumpy. While I have always felt high and mighty and super flexible when it comes to breakfast, this post made me realize something. I can’t quite remember when I ever had anything other that oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts for my breakfast. Seems like maybe I shouldn’t have made fun for all those years….

I guess I will at least take comfort in the fact that my bowls match my living room!

The August Break 2013




  1. Donna says:

    I’m going to try it, too. Although your post is so much more ambitious than what August Break conjures up for me!

  2. Shana Norris says:

    Stacey, I’m seriously considering doing this, too.  I’d never heard of it until you posted it here, but it sounds like just what I need.  Will give it some thought and keep you posted.  Absolutely love the idea.

    • Stacey says:

      It’s my first time doing it but I’ve loved looking at other people’s posts over the years… seems really fun! Hope you join 🙂

  3. […] Have you heard of the blogging community’s August Break?  Apparently, it’s been around for a few years, but I hadn’t heard of it until Stacey mentioned that she’s participating.  […]

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