Stacey Loscalzo

Jun 19

Virtual Book Club: Daring Greatly Chapter 5

by Stacey

In Chapter 5, Brene focuses on the phrase, “Mind the Gap.” This term originated in 1969 on the London Underground to remind passengers to pay attention when stepping between the train and the platform. While I first encountered this phrase while reading Daring Greatly, it has apparently become so popular you can find it on tee shirts, magnets and postcards. As I read on, I understood why.

In this chapter, Brene essentially reminds us to walk the walk as she guides us through understanding our gaps between our ‘aspirational values’ (what we intend to value) and our ‘practiced values’ (what we really do).

This concept gave me a lot to think about. I talk about wanting to be a writer but often spend more time reading other people’s writing than writing my own. I talk about loving to read but often find that a day full of errands and e-mails has passed before I sit down to read. I talk about wanting to give my children a life full of adventure but often find that months have gone by before we do something new.

How about you? If you were to ‘mind your gaps’ what would you find?

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