Stacey Loscalzo

May 08

Daring Greatly: A Virtual Book Club

by Stacey

I have a to-do list a mile long.

There are many items that have been on it forever. One such item is to host a ‘Virtual Book Club’ here.

It seemed like a good idea but I have been procrastinating, procrastinating, procrastinating. One thing I know about myself is that if I work with someone else, I do not procrastinate. It seems to be much easier for me to be accountable to another person than to myself.

Recently I learned that my friend, spin and pilates instructor and fellow writer, (yes, they are all one person) Maren was reading the same book that had been sitting on my nightstand for a bit, Brene Brown‘s Daring Greatly.

And my procrastination ended. I asked Maren if she would be wiling to host my book club with me and she agreed.

We will kick off our club next week so grab a copy of Daring Greatly and get reading.

Or go to Brene’s website (I’ve decided we are going to be on a first name basis with her- I think she would approve) to learn a bit about her work.

Or watch Brene’s TED talk.

Or watch Brene on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday.

And enjoy…


  1. Patty says:

    Sounds like a great idea! I’m in. Looking forward to it. Like you, it helps to have others along for the ride. 🙂

  2. Sandy Sullivan says:

    I’m in! Also, June issue of Real Simple magazine has a list of 50 life-changing book recs. Some great reading for this rainy morning. Love Brene Brown and have her other books.

  3. pamela says:

    I’m so excited – I have been meaning to read this book! Looking forward to it and thank you for hosting!

  4. I would love to participate! I’ve been following your blog for a few months now and really enjoy your posts. It’s nice to read about the insights of a fellow educator-mom-blogger.

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