Stacey Loscalzo

Apr 01

A New House

by Stacey

I have been hinting at something big and exciting for a bit now. The NJ real estate laws are such though that I just haven’t felt safe to put our news out in the open until all the t’s were crossed and the i’s dotted.

And now they are!

We are closing on a new house on June 7th and our house goes on the market today!

For a long time now we have been searching for a house that is slightly larger but still in our neighborhood so that we could stay close to friends and the girls could remain at their amazingly wonderful school. Apparently, we aren’t the only ones who like our place because there has been very little to chose from for a very long time. But finally, we found something. Our soon to be new home is lovely and right around the corner (literally) from our current house.

We are beyond thrilled and beyond busy. I have said a couple of times recently that moving is like labor. If we remembered how hard it was, we would never do it again. The organizing, the cleaning, the decision making has felt constant for the past few weeks giving me little time to read, write or visit with friends. My head has hit the pillow each night and my eyes have closed. It has been hard and tiring work.

Now we have done all we can do and we must sit back and wait for the right family to fall in love with our home.

More updates to come…



  1. Kathleen says:

    Hooray! So excited for you. Rob and the girls! Let’s have coffee when you can — I want to hear all about it!

  2. Meg Medina says:

    Good luck, Stacey!  A new home sounds exciting!

  3. Lindsey says:


    • Melinda Sohval says:

      Make sure you get a nice family, but there are none that will exceed the pure kindness and sweetness of your family!

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