Starting with the Letter C
by Stacey
I am currently enrolled in a beautiful on-line class called Blogging from the Heart, taught by the wonderfully talented Susannah Conway. During the class, I have been motivated, inspired and intimidated in equal measure.
Through this class, my list of ‘to be blogged’ is almost as long as my list of ‘to be read.’
Here is one of our recent assignments:
Something beginning with…Pick a random letter and share an illuminating list of ten words that begin with the letter, telling us why you love them.
The Letter C
Contraband– This has always been my favorite word. I love the sound and feel of it in my mouth. When I was in college, and forgetful of my complete lack of musical ability, I would tell people often that if I ever had a band, it would be called “Contraband.”
Cape Cod– I grew up going to camp on the Cape. When I hear the word summer, this is where my mind goes. To the quiet and still waters of the Bay and the wild waves of Nauset Beach. To the never ending flats at low tide, the horseshoe crabs and the cold June water.
Calamity– While I certainly don’t enjoy calamity (or the word that popped next to mind, chaos), I do like the way the word sounds. I think the fact that as soon as I saw the word, I began to hum the song, ‘Calamity Jane’, a song I sung in a fifth grade performance about Tall Tales. Amazing where our brains will take us.
Camisole– Here’s a word I like for it’s function, not it’s sound. I am cold all the time. This winter, I feel like I have never thawed out. I catch a chill on the way to school drop off and am still chilly as I climb in to bed at night. Something about the cold humidity I have been told. Not only are our temperatures low this winter but the air is full of moisture making it feel even colder. I am grateful for the camisoles that have been one of my many layers as we creep toward spring.
Chantal– During middle and high school French, we were instructed to choose a French name that closely matched our own. My French teacher never really liked me (turns out I liked to talk a lot during class- in English, not French) so I always worried that my name wouldn’t be ‘right.’ I wasn’t lucky enough to be Michelle or Isabel with a simple, fluid translation. My ‘real’ name is Constance so somehow, Chantal always made sense to me, if not to Madame Guaillaguet.
Cobalt blue– This deep yet bright blue reminds me of my grandmother. Her china was white and cobalt blue. Royal Copenhagen china that sits closed in a box until we have enough cabinet space to hold everyday and ‘fancy’ china. I can picture all of my grandmother’s pieces laid out for breakfast each night before she went to bed.
Cliché- I love the sound of this word and to be honest, I have a bit of love for the cliché as well. I always misuse them and confuse them. Does the water go over or under the bridge? Are you on or off the wagon? I’m never quite sure but I love clichés just the same.
Cushy– While I worry that this one sounds a bit too much like tushy, I still love it. A cushy chair, a cushy job, a cushy life. Not really anything wrong with any of these options.
Choice– As the mother of two young girls, I hold firmly to the word choice and all that it implies. I demand a life for my girls full of choice. A life that will allow them to choose how to care for their own bodies, a life that will be full of educational and career choices. A life that will make being a mother and a professional a real and honest choice. And on and on…
Camera– I loved photography in high school. I took amazing classes and created some pretty nice pictures. Since then, I have taken pictures to document our lives but that’s been pretty much it. Recently, I have started taking pictures again and am so glad to have returned to this old hobby.
What a wonderful idea!! Love this.
Love this list! What a fabulous insight into your world. I especially love your reflection on cobalt blue. Makes me smile.
Thanks for sharing. I may have to try this myself.