Stacey Loscalzo

Dec 03

The Holidays Are Here

by Stacey

Our holiday season begins with our town’s tree lighting. Friday night, we went in to town, bundled up against the cold and stood with friends and neighbors as the tree was lit.

As with so many things this year, I was taken again by the passage of time.

Caroline brought a friend with her and trying to keep the two of them within eye sight was a struggle. It seems to be common knowledge that the tree lighting is a perfect first time to let you child go off on their own. After all, it is hard to turn a corner without seeing someone you know. But, I felt like this year was too soon. So, the constant struggle of giving Caroline both the independence and the safety she needs was the back drop of the night.

Then there was Katherine who met up with a friend and had a truly delightful time. Jumping between her friend and my arms, just in the midst of loving her family and friends in each measure.

Only the look in the picture above leads me to think that Katherine too knows that our time at the tree lighting as a family is coming to a close…

One Comment

  1. Kathleen says:

    Oh, Stacey, how true this is! We were there on Friday and marveled with friends at how quickly the tree lightings have transitioned — from bundled-up, cranky toddlers in strollers, to preteens wandering away from us on Ridgewood Avenue with their friends…

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