Stacey Loscalzo

Nov 05

Not Knowing

by Stacey

As our days without power, drag into a week, we are getting antsy.

Antsy but grateful.

We are still with Rob’s parents in their warm house, full of light and warm running water. We have lots of friends in the same position as ours but no one in our close circle who has lost a home or a loved one. Given our proximity to such enormous damage, we feel incredibly lucky. Incredibly lucky that while our worlds and those of our loved ones have been disturbed, they have not been destroyed.

All that said, we would still like to return to our home, to our schedule, to our plans.

Yesterday, I woke up and looked at my phone. On the screen was a tweet. Somehow my phone had gone to Twitter and then had clicked on a re-tweet posted by Andi Buchanan.

It read,

“Not-knowing is not easy, it’s not comfortable, it can be a place of great anxiety. But if that’s how it is, it’s what is true.”


-Zen Momements

So for now, this is our truth.

Living out of duffel bags. Not knowing when we will be back in our house. Not knowing when we will go back to school.

So for now, our truth is long walks, long books, lots of writing.

Our truth could be much worse…


One Comment

  1. Zoe says:

    Thinking of you all Stacey, and wishing your fortitude and patience!

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