Stacey Loscalzo

Oct 04

New to Me: Barbara Cooney

by Stacey

I love that I know so much about children’s literature. It’s something I’ve always enjoyed and to share this love with my family and friends is such a treat.

What I love even more is when I find out about something I should have known about for a long time and didn’t.

The other day, a good friend was talking about her children’s favorite read alouds. “All the Barbara Cooney books.” she said casually as if I surely knew all about Barbara Cooney. Somehow, Cooney, an equally talented author and illustrated, had flown low on my radar. I had heard of her book Roxaboxen but hadn’t ever read this amazing tribute to imagination. I had knew of Ox Cart Man but had never read it. And then there are titles like Emma and Hattie and the Wild Waves which both celebrate creativity in a beautiful way but that I never even knew existed.

My friend’s children have had to go without their favorite read alouds for the past few days as we have borrowed all their collection. I am thrilled to have been introduced to such a great new (to me) talent. I wonder what else is out there…



  1. Lindsey says:

    I am off to check these out TODAY! Your recommendation means the world. Thak you!

  2. Lindsey says:

    I just discovered she wrote Mrs Rumphius, which is one of my all-time favorite books. Yay!

  3. Stacey says:

    Lindsey- Thank you for your kind words! And yes- can you believe I haven’t read Mrs. Rumphius either? I even read a blog by that name but haven’t read the book! Geez…

  4. Zoe says:

    I’m a late discoverer of Cooney too – I was very lucky that a blog reader sent me Ox Cart Man, which I think is just so very lovely. And then we got Roxaboxen which is almost exactly what I dream my life was always like. We haven’t any others. She’s virtually unheard of over here – nothing at all by her in our county-wide library system 🙁

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