Stacey Loscalzo

Oct 24

Beezus and Ramona: Just Like Life

by Stacey

Caroline attended two birthday parties this past Saturday afternoon and evening. I always feel a tad sad for Katherine when this happens so as usual, I offered to do some fun things with just her. And as usual, Katherine asked for take out pizza and movie night. She’s a pretty easy date if you ask me.

Just this week, we finished reading the very last book in Beverly Cleary’s amazingly wonderful Ramona series. I thought this would be the perfect time to watch the Beezus and Ramona movie so we eagerly checked it out of the library and settled in for a relaxing evening. Katherine was enthralled from minute one. She laughed and smiled, often noticing how scenes were similar and different from the books.

And then she came up with the latest in what is now becoming a string of super wise comments.

“Mom, that movie was sweet, sad and ok. Just like life.”

I seriously couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried…

One Comment

  1. Lindsey says:

    Old soul, that one! xox

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