Snip Snap! What’s That?
by Stacey
I love Read Together books at all times of the year but especially in the summer.
As parents fight to avoid the summer slide, sneaking books into the daily routine becomes even more important. I believe though that there is nothing worse than worksheets, workbooks and flashcards during these warm months. Kids should be given a break and reading should be fun, fun, fun.
Read Together books are perfect for keeping those reading skills sharp in a relaxed, low pressure kind of way. With these books, children can read part of the story (usually repetitive lines or words with super strong picture support) while their grown up reads the rest.
Snip Snap! What’s That? by Mara Bergman is a book we’ve had on our shelf for awhile now. I pulled it out the other day on a whim and sat down to read it to Katherine. To be honest, I hadn’t realized I had picked up a Read Together book until Katherine said, “Oh, Mom, can I do the “You bet they were!” part.
Can you? Of course you can! I am always thrilled to release some of the ownership of words on the page to a newly reading child. With each day, Katherine is reading more and more of our Read Together books all on her own.
While I love Snip, Snap as a read aloud, it was a lot of fun to read it together too and I suppose that really is the best kind of book…
I don’t know this one, but I do like the Bergman/Maland team, so will look out for it.