Stacey Loscalzo

Jun 27


by Stacey

Oprah has re-launched her book club with on the best books I’ve read in a long time.

Now even though I often found Oprah’s books terribly depressing, I was really excited when I heard the news. I love the buzz that her books get, the recognition, the common language around them. And quickly, Wild by Cheryl Strayed was no exception. I started hearing about this book everywhere.

Part Eat, Pray, Love, part Into Thin Air and all wonderful. Cheryl Strayed tells the story of her hike along the Pacific Coast Trail as she walks to put her broken life back together. I read this book in just a few short days, thinking about it all the time. When I wasn’t reading, I was trying to figure out when I could next sit to read. The story is heart wrenching, funny and inspirational. And the writing is unbelievable.

A reader commented on one of my favorite blogs, that everyone in the world should read this book. While this recommendation might seem a bit over the top, I agree. If you haven’t yet been caught up in the hype, let yourself be. This is a must read.



  1. Lindsey says:

    So glad you liked it too! xox

  2. Donna says:

    How weird…I haven’t heard the hype but just downloaded this to my Kindle over the weekend! Now I can’t wait to dive in.

  3. […] read Wild at the beginning of the summer. After I finished the book, I made sure to tell anyone who cared […]

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