Stacey Loscalzo

Jan 20

The Reading Pile

by Stacey

Sometimes I have a really hard time focusing on what to read. The other day, I realized I was in such a period. I looked over at the stack on my desk and could hardly chose what to pick up next.

I love to read books on my new Kindle. And for a surprising reason. I have always struggled with underlining when reading. I want to but then I can’t find a pen. I will fold down pages with beautiful passages and then forget to go back and find them. Right now I am reading Divisadero by Michael Ondaajte (author of The English Patient) at the suggestion of my wonderful virtual and luckily, real world friend, Lindsey. Somehow I never knew of this author and his writing is just incredible. I am underlining like crazy. I love my Kindle for this.

But then I am also reading gorgeous children’s books like Peter Sis’ spectacular Conference of the Birds. I find that whenever I read grown up books, I miss children’s literature and then when I go back to children’s literature I miss grown up literature.

Oh the problems.. .

So then I sprinkle in magazines like my favorite children’s literature journal, The Horn Book or my favorite grown up magazine, O, The Oprah Magazine. Unfortunately, doing this does not make my choices more clear. Instead, I simply add more books to my ever growing and enormous wish list.

And then I become even more confused.

Perhaps I should just stop typing and go read. That might help…


  1. Lindsey says:

    I struggle with my pile too. For me it’s the very real anxiety about the fact that I won’t have time to read everything I want to read in my lifetime. Talk about obsessing about the macro stuff. I love O, too. And I’m so glad you like Divisadero. xo

  2. jules says:

    An eternal struggle, but a good problem to have, for sure!

    Love Ondaajte’s writing. Will have to look for Divisadero.

  3. I’m always trying to read several books at once…

  4. Zoe says:

    I have several TBR piles in different places around the house, and I’m trying this year to be a little “stricter” in reading things in order, rather than getting distracted by a new recommendation. But this is not easy! That said, I have finally gotten round to reading some books that have been on my TBR list forever, and am already wishing I had read them years ago – The Magic Pudding by Normay Lindsay is an example of this.

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