Stacey Loscalzo

Sep 24

Teacher’s College

by Stacey



I have read the work put out by the Reading and Writing Project at Columbia Teacher’s College for years. I have quoted Lucy Calkins to parents and teachers. I have watched the workshop method of teaching as both a professional and as a mom. But for some reason, I have never attended a session presented by the Reading and Writing Project.

Yesterday, I woke up early and drove in to the city. Because of the crazy traffic patterns here, I left my house before the sun had risen, made it into the city, traffic free, and was there two hours before my workshop began. I sat on a bench and watched city kids scooter to school. I sipped coffee at Starbucks as college kids prepared for their day.

And finally it was time for me to attend my first Reading and Writing Project workshop.

I was not disappointed. I learned and learned and learned. I collected book titles, quotes and ideas to share both with teachers and parents. I learned things that I will bring into my work as a consultant and my work as a mom.

There is so, so much I could share but what struck me the most was the concept of reading volume. That how much children read, matters. That reading is what teaches kids to read and to love reading.

Shana Frazin, our presenter said,

“Read a lot! What ever you think is a lot, it’s not enough. It’s reading volume. Nothing matters more that time spent reading.”

So there you have it. Go read!

One Comment

  1. Miss K says:

    I learned more from the two weeks (total) I have spent at the TC Institutes than I have in the first six months of my grad school program. I found all the presenters amazing, but especially Mary Ehrenworth. I love the workshop approach.

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