Stacey Loscalzo

Jul 28


by Stacey


My friend Lindsey used just the right word to describe the week I am having, bittersweet. 

Katherine and I see this sunset every night before we snuggle in for bedtime books. I take one step from my deck and land on the beach. I sit and read a book, toes in the sand, with my mom while Katherine plays at a day camp she describes as “the best camp ever!” I can look down the beach aways and know that Caroline is having the most wonderful adventure. I see pictures of her on the camp website smiling a gigantic and genuine smile. I see her sailing and running and creating gorgeous art work.

And then I call a friend who works at camp, just to check in and learn that Caroline despite all the big smiles is really quite homesick.

I knew this would be a week full of growth for Caroline. Little did I realize how much I would grow during our time apart. Grow to know we made the right decision in sending her away. Grow to know that others can help Caroline when she is sad. Grow to know that she can help herself when I am not there. Grow to know that she will look back on these ten days as wonderful ones even through some tears.

Grow to know that with the smiles come tears. And that is ok.


  1. Lindsey says:

    Oh … I’m right there with you. Counting minutes until Saturday morning! xox

  2. Donna says:

    I got goosebumps when I read this, Stacey…remembering when I was that homesick girl the first summer I went to sleep-away camp. And wondering if my mom felt the way you do. I never gave a moment’s thought to what she might have experienced. But right now I want to run to the phone, dial her number, and ask her.

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