Stacey Loscalzo

Jan 26

Beyond Good Night Moon

by Stacey


A few months ago, I presented a workshop titled, Books as Gifts. The participants were so thrilled to learn about great, newer titles available for children. As in all things in life, I find that parents get in ruts with their book buying. They buy the titles they know or the titles that are face out at their local Barnes and Noble. While all these are wonderful books, there is such joy in reading a new book to a child.

In response to the feedback from my initial presentation, I developed a class called Beyond Good Night Moon: An Adventure through New Children’s Literature. After I teach the in person class, I will be sharing some of the  materials here.

In the meantime to pique your interest, check out the course description below:

Beyond Goodnight Moon is an interactive and informative course. Through lecture and discussion, participants will understand how reading aloud to children of all ages can foster long-term educational success, learn how to select age appropriate books for the children in their lives and know how to encourage and instill a love of reading. At the end of the sessions participants will receive a book list for children ages birth through fifth grade that highlights developmental reading milestones. Books will be current with publication dates of 2008-2011.

If you are local, please click here to read more about the class and to learn how to register.

One Comment

  1. Hi Stacey,
    What a great service you are doing by sharing book recommendations with parents. Like you, I enjoy finding new childrens books to suggest to those parents who are not reading book blogs like ours. I have had readers thank me for making suggestions because they find libraries and book stores to be overwhelming.
    My concern is how we can continue to reach more and more parents. I tend to reach out to community events and groups that my children are involved with such as church, girl scouts, computer clubs and preschools. I think it is important for all of us to encourage kids to start talking about books that they enjoy. I am always looking for additional ways to promote early literacy, school age interest in recreational reading and parent child involvement with books. Would love to hear any suggestions you might have as to how I can use my ideas to make an impact on how we share books and reading.
    ~ Lauri Chandler

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