Stacey Loscalzo

My Services


Individual Tutoring

Using specialized assessment and one to one instruction, Stacey will guide your child as their literacy skills and enjoyment of reading and writing soar. Instructional focus to include phonological awareness, decoding through phonics, fluency and comprehension as needed.

Family Consultations and Custom Reading Lists

Through individual assessment to determine reading level and conversations to determine interest, Stacey will create a customized reading list for children including titles for both independent reading and read alouds.


Workshops can be held at private homes or community locations. These workshops will provide parents with both expert information and the opportunity to share with other parents.

  • Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
  • Leveling 101: Taking the Mystery out of Leveled Books
  • Reading Aloud: How to Choose Quality Children’s Literature
  • Reading Aloud to an Independent Reader: Yes You Can!
  • Beyond Good Night Moon: An Adventure through New Children’s Literature

 Facilitated Parent/Child Book Groups

Stacey will choose books and facilitate discussions using quality children’s literature and her expertise as a reading specialist and speech therapist to make the most of every session.



Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Reading Aloud: The Simple Solution to Kindergarten Readiness (Teach your child to begin to read).
  • Nursery Rhymes Can Be Cool Again (and why they should be)
  • Reading Aloud Novels to Preschoolers: Why and How
  • The Classroom Daily Read Aloud: Yes! You Can Have Time
  • State Requirements Made Fun: Using New Children’s Literature to Meet (and exceed!) Standards
  • Parents as Teachers: How to Engage your Parents in Literacy Instruction