Stacey Loscalzo

Articles Written by Stacey

Aug 03

An Olympic Temper Tantrum

by Stacey

We have been loving the Olympics in our house. Rob and I have watched all the big events each night but because everything is on so, so late we have been recording each night’s festivities for the girls. Then the following night, we have been able to fast forward to all the best moments of […]

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Aug 01

Three Times Lucky

by Stacey

Three Times Lucky. A little bit Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe. A smidgen of The Secret Life of Bees. Just a tad of The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya-Sisterhood. And all middle grade wonderful-ness.

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Jul 30

Google It

by Stacey

Katherine: “How many seconds are in a minute? Me: “Sixty.” Katherine: “How many minutes are in an hour?” Me: “Sixty.” Katherine: “How many seconds are in a day?” Me: “Gosh. When we get home, let’s get a pencil and some paper and figure that out.” Katherine: “Or we could make it really easier and Google […]

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Jul 26

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda

by Stacey

I had heard lots and lots of good things about The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger. But here’s the thing. While I do have fond memories of watching the original Star Wars movies with my dad and will certainly want the girls to see them eventually, I am not what you would […]

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Jul 24

Ramona the Wise

by Stacey

We are full on in love with Ramona Quimby around here. A few years ago, I read all the Ramona books with Caroline and now I’m lucky to be able to read them all over again with Katherine. Because I am now reading these books for at least the third time, counting my own reading […]

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Jul 23

A New ‘Tradition’

by Stacey

A few nights ago, Katherine asked to read snuggled under my covers instead of hers. And then the next night, Caroline joined us. Perhaps because there was more room. Perhaps because Katherine and I are reading our way through all of the Ramona books, some of Caroline’s favorites. Perhaps just because it seemed like a […]

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Jul 20


by Stacey

I have very strict (some would say, very unfair) rules around television-watching during the school year. I begin every summer with the same exact set of rules. And then… Well, you know where this is going. I went searching for proof of why my rules are usually so strict and instead of research I found […]

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Jul 18

Girls of Summer Reading List: An Update

by Stacey

Somehow I have not written much about The Girls of Summer 2012 list created by the fabulously talented Meg Medina and Gigi Amateau. I love a good reading list and this is one of the best. I think the subtitle of the list does a beautiful job of describing just the types of books you […]

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Jul 17

The Lions of Little Rock

by Stacey

For ages I really loved reading adult books- not the 50 Shades of Grey kind, just the ones you find in the Adult Fiction section of the library. Then I went through a Young Adult phase- Hunger Games, Twilight and the like. Now, I seem to be reading lots and lots of middle grade fiction. […]

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Jul 16

Irony, The Puppy Way

by Stacey

The other day I read a funny Facebook post of a conversation between a mother and a daughter on the definition of irony. Well, sometimes, you go upstairs to fold the laundry and you come back downstairs to a photographic definition of the term.

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