Stacey Loscalzo

May 05

Why I Love My Camera Phone

by Stacey

There are times I feel guilty about not using my ‘real camera’ enough. I think about how much I love the pictures that I take when I use it. I think about the cost. I think about what I should be doing as I work to become a better photographer.

But then there are the times that I am scrolling through my camera role looking for blog post inspiration and I stumble upon pictures that would never have happened if it weren’t for the phone on my camera . And when I stumble upon these pictures, I often remember moments that I have already forgotten. Moments that would have remained forgotten were it not for the quick second that I snapped the picture with my phone. This is when I know that the best camera really is the one you have with you.

An example is below. A simple trip to a local store really can result in some pretty pictures and some good memory holders if you have a camera with you. Any camera.






  1. I love my camera phone for the same reason. I capture so many little everyday moments with my kids, or just things that make me happy, because I have that tiny little camera with me almost all the time. And really, with a little tweaking, they’re not bad pictures at all!

  2. Donna says:

    At the beach with my sister this weekend, after I’d whipped my phone out probably one too many times, she said, “That’s the one reason I’d really like to have a smart phone.” ‘Nuff said.

  3. Tamara says:

    That looks like such a pretty store too!
    I bring my camera phone everywhere and I forget with my real camera. So I think they’re both important to learn and to use, for sure!

  4. I love the idea of your camera phone as a way to remember the beauty in the every day! Makes me want to go scroll through my own and see what I’ve forgotten 🙂 

  5. Allie says:

    I get frustrated with my cell phone camera too – it takes horrible pictures. But thank goodness for it – to capture the unexpected:)!

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