Literacy Lava
by Stacey
Long before I actively started blogging here, I read and read and read other’s children’s literacy blogs. One of my favorites is the Book Chook. While the blog itself is fantastic, I am particularly fond of the magazine, Literacy Lava, edited and published by the Book Chook’s owner.
The sixth issue of Literacy Lava, a free pdf for parents or anyone who wants kids to love reading, writing and communicating, is now available from The Book Chook. Clicking on this link will take you to the exact page where you just have to click the cover of Literacy Lava 6 to download it as a pdf.
As the editor of the magazine writes, “In this sixth edition of Literacy Lava, you’ll find ideas for revving up reluctant readers, using poetry to support literacy, ways to tell tales with story stones, how to unlock the mysteries of early readers, ways to get the most from travel with children, how to get started with a father/son book club, using newspapers to build literacy, and lots of fun learning activities with buttons and bottle caps.”
I encourage you to devour the information in this edition of Literacy Lava and then to download past issues as well. The magazines are rich with ideas to bring literacy into your homes in fun and exciting ways. Enjoy!
Thanks so much for helping us spread the word about Literacy Lava, Stacey. It’s obvious you are passionate about children’s literacy, and a wonderful advocate for it!